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Island Catwalks
Stornoway, Benbecula, Kirkwall and Lerwick don’t usually grab the headlines alongside Milan, Paris or New York when it comes to fashion.

Royal Fashions
Shetland has held a close link with Royal fashions since the reign of Queen Victoria. Following her coronation in 1838 Queen Victoria bought 12 pairs of Shetlandic lace stockings after a meeting with the Shetlandic founder ...

Hand Crafted Furniture
Orkney and Shetland, like the Outer Hebrides, had few trees so driftwood was gathered from the shoreline to make hand crafted furniture...

Secret Designs
One of the most extraordinary designers from the Outer Hebrides was Angus MacPhee. He was known as the Weaver of Grass and astonishingly created jackets, trousers, boots and other clothing from grass.

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